Nutrition Research Library
Grain Foods Research Institute (GFRI) and its sister organization, Grain Foods Foundation (GFF), have supported innovative nutrition research that has studied the important role of grain foods in healthy diets, as well as the benefits of grains for various health outcomes and nutritional needs.
Check back often for the most up-to-date studies about nutrition and wellness, including comprehensive resources about topics like celiac disease, diet and brain health, and the benefits of whole grains.
New Study Finds No Relationship Between High Intake of Refined Grain Foods and Risk of Cardiovascular Disease
A new study recently published Trends in Cardiovascular Medicine reveals that consuming high intakes of refined grain foods does not increase one’s risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD), coronary heart disease, heart attack, heart failure, or stroke. The study also calls for reflection on the Western dietary pattern and its consideration in future dietary recommendations. Although refined grains are included as a component of the Western dietary pattern, the results of the meta-analyses suggest that refined grains do not contribute to the higher CVD risk associated with this unhealthy dietary pattern.
Refined Grain Intake and Risk of Type 2 Diabetes
A commentary just published in Mayo Clinic Proceedings presents data suggests that, with few exceptions, the consumption of refined grains is not associated with an increased risk of developing type 2 diabetes (T2D).
Written by Glenn Gaesser, Ph.D., the commentary includes data from all published observational cohort studies that looked at the associations between refined grain intake and risk of T2D. Based on findings from 11 different populations of adults, totaling nearly 400,000 men and women, results revealed no relation between consumption of refined grains and risk of T2D.
Watch Dr. Gaesser’s commentary insights or read the full release here.
Whole- and Refined-Grain Consumption and Longitudinal Changes in Cardiometabolic Risk Factors in the Framingham Offspring Cohort
Greater whole grain (WG) consumption is associated with reduced risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD); however, few prospective studies have examined WG or refined grain (RG) intake and intermediate cardiometabolic risk factors.
Perspective: Does Glycemic Index Matter for Weight Loss and Obesity Prevention? Examination of the Evidence on “Fast” Compared with “Slow” Carbs
August 2021 / Advances in Nutrition
Glenn A Gaesser, Julie Miller Jones, Siddhartha A Angadi
While carbohydrate quality, including GI, impacts many health outcomes, GI as a measure of carbohydrate quality appears to be relatively unimportant as a determinant of BMI or diet-induced weight loss.
Whole Grain Intake and Pancreatic Cancer Risk
Cancer is one of the leading causes of death worldwide, and there is evidence that dietary factors contribute significantly to cancer risk. Whole grain foods are associated with a lower risk of several chronic diseases, including cancer, and are recommended as part of a healthy diet.
Do Refined Grains Have a Place in a Healthy Dietary Pattern: Perspectives from an Expert Panel Consensus Meeting
Although dietary guidance recommends increasing consumption of whole grains and concurrently limiting consumption of refined and/or enriched grain foods, emerging research suggests that certain refined grains may be part of a healthy dietary pattern.
Grain Foods in US Infants Are Associated with Greater Nutrient Intakes, Improved Diet Quality and Increased Consumption of Recommended Food Groups
A recently published study highlights the importance of grains as part of a healthy infant diet – and the potential risks of excluding them.
Perspective: Whole and Refined Grains and Health—Evidence Supporting “Make Half Your Grains Whole”
Review indicates positive health impacts from diverse diets that include not more than 50% carbohydrates and the right mix of grain-based foods.
Grain-based foods — both whole-grain and refined, from which the bran has been removed — are a key part of healthy diets, according to a study published in the science journal Advances in Nutrition.
Association between Grain Intake, Nutrient Intake, and Diet Quality of Canadians: Evidence from the Canadian Community Health Survey–Nutrition 2015
This study examined whether higher shares of whole-grain consumption, beyond the recommended levels (i.e., above half) of the daily grain intake, are linked with optimal diet quality and intakes of some key nutrients, for both children and adolescents and adults in Canada.
Nutrients in the US Diet: Naturally Occurring or Enriched/Fortified Food and Beverage Sources, Plus Dietary Supplements: NHANES 2009–2012
New study concludes fortification / enrichment constitutes a meaningful contribution to reducing the percentage of individuals with less than the EAR for their demographic. These data underscore the need to encourage better dietary patterns to improve the intake of nutrients at risk of low intake.
Perspective: Refined Grains and Health: Genuine Risk or Guilt by Association?
Extensive analyses of the existing body of published studies show that refined grain consumption is not associated with any of the chronic diseases to which it usually is attributed. This study illustrates that current dietary recommendations to reduce refined grain consumption conflict with the substantial body of published scientific evidence.
Carbohydrate quality and human health: a series of systematic reviews and meta-analyses
This study more precisely quantifies the predictive potential of several markers, to determine which markers are most useful, and to establish an evidence base for quantitative recommendations for intakes of dietary fibre.
Grains Contribute Shortfall Nutrients and Nutrient Density to Older US Adults: Data from NHANES, 2011–2014
Previous data demonstrate grain foods contribute shortfall nutrients to the diet of U.S. adults. The 2015–2020 Dietary Guidelines for Americans have identified several shortfall nutrients in the U.S. population, including fiber, folate, and iron (women only).
Low carbohydrate diets may increase risk of neural tube defects
Folic acid fortification significantly reduced the prevalence of neural tube defects (NTDs) in the United States. The popularity of “low carb” diets raises concern that women who intentionally avoid carbohydrates, thereby consuming fewer fortified foods, may not have adequate dietary intake of folic acid.
Grain Foods Are Contributors of Nutrient Density for American Adults and Help Close Nutrient Recommendation Gaps: Data from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, 2009–2012
In this study, researchers looked closely at what American adults are eating – or not – to contribute to the growing issue of shortfall nutrients. Shortfall nutrients are very important nutrients – defined by the 2015 DGA Committee – that, when under-consumed, cause public health concerns.
Certain Grain Foods Can Be Meaningful Contributors to Nutrient Density in the Diets of U.S. Children and Adolescents: Data from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, 2009–2012
The current analyses showed that certain grain foods, in particular breads, rolls and tortillas, ready-to-eat cereals and quick breads and bread products, are meaningful contributors of folate, iron, thiamin, niacin and dietary fiber, a nutrient of public health concern as outlined by the 2015–2020 DGA.
Several grain dietary patterns are associated with better diet quality and improved shortfall nutrient intakes in US children and adolescents: a study focusing on the 2015–2020 Dietary Guidelines for Americans
The study identified the most commonly consumed grain food patterns in US children and adolescents (2–18 years-old; N = 8,367) relative to those not consuming grains and compared diet quality and nutrient intakes, with focus on 2015–2020 DGA shortfall nutrients.
Food groups associated with a reduced risk of 15-year all-cause death
This long-term observational cohort study aimed to investigate the potential impact of dietary patterns on death. The study population, comprised of 960 men, found that consumption of certain food groups, including bread, was independently predictive of lower risk of death.
Genetically Engineered Crops: Experiences and Prospects
An extensive study by The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine found no substantiated evidence of a difference in risks to human health between current commercially available genetically engineered (GE) crops and conventionally bred crops, nor did it find conclusive cause-and-effect evidence of environmental problems from the GE crops.
CIMMYT Series on Carbohydrates, Wheat, Grains, and Health: Carbohydrates, Grains, and Wheat in Nutrition and Health: Their Relation to Digestion, Digestive Disorders, Blood Glucose, and Inflammation
In part three of the series, the authors take a closer look at how different carbohydrates affect insulin levels, inflammation, the gut microbiome, and gut-related diseases such as irritable bowel syndrome. This report also covers celiac disease and food allergies.
CIMMYT Series on Carbohydrates, Wheat, Grains, and Health: Carbohydrates, Grains and Wheat in Nutrition & Health: An Overview. Part II: Grain Terminology and Nutritional Contributions
In part two of this series, the authors cover topics regarding grain terminology, including definitions of milling, enrichment, whole grains and various other processing terms.
Prebiotic consumption and the incidence of overweight in a Mediterranean cohort: the Seguimiento Universidad de Navarra Project
In this cohort study, researchers looked at consumption of prebiotics (fructans and GOS) over nine years. They found that the risk of becoming overweight was 15-17% lower in participants in the highest quartile of fructan and GOS consumption.
They concluded that higher prebiotic consumption was associated with lower risk of overweight in initially normal-weight, middle-aged adults.
Position of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics: Health Implications of Dietary Fiber
It is the position of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics that the public should consume adequate amounts of dietary fiber from a variety of plant foods.
CIMMYT Series on Carbohydrates: Wheat, Grains and Health: Carbohydrates, Grains and Wheat in Nutrition and Health: An Overview Part 1. Role of Carbohydrates in Health
Cereal grains provide a wide variety of nutrients, dietary fibers and phytochemicals. The combination uniquely positions them as a source of nutrition to both sustain and nourish a global population.
Navigating the gluten-free boom: from essential medical treatment to ill-conceived fad diet
Despite health claims for gluten-free eating from celebrities and the media, there is no evidence indicating the general population would be better off avoiding gluten for weight loss in individuals without celiac disease, non-celiac gluten sensitivity and wheat allergy.
Whole-grain foods and chronic disease: evidence from epidemiological and intervention studies
There is increasing evidence from both observational and intervention studies that increased intake of whole grain foods has positive health benefits, including lower risk of developing cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes and some cancers. Whole grain consumers may also have better digestive health and are likely to have lower BMI and gain less weight over time.
Whole-grain products and whole-grain types are associated with lower all-cause and cause-specific mortality in the Scandinavian HELGA cohort
A study following a Scandinavian cohort demonstrated intake of whole grains was associated with a lower risk of mortality, indicating whole grain consumption is an important aspect of preventing early death.
Anemia prevalence may be reduced among countries that fortify flour
In a study examining data on anemia in countries that fortify flour (and those that do not), researchers found that every year a flour fortification program was in place was associated with a 2.4% decrease in anemia prevalence among non-pregnant women.
Dietary fibre and incidence of type 2 diabetes in eight European countries: the EPIC-InterAct Study and a meta-analysis of prospective studies
Fibre intake is inversely related to the risk of developing type 2 diabetes and cereal fibre found in grain foods, such as bread, rice and pasta, was found to be the most protective. Researchers found the protective effect of fibre intake on diabetes risk may be partially explained by body weight.
Genetic gains in agronomic and selected end-use quality traits over a century of plant breeding of Canada Western Red Spring Wheat
Researchers compared wheat grown from wheat seeds dating from 1860 to present day. They found that wheat grown today remains similar to ancient wheat in terms of protein and carbohydrate quality and concentration. This refutes critics claims that modern wheat has “changed” and is the cause of modern-day diseases such as obesity and type 2 diabetes.
No effects of a short-term gluten-free diet on performance in non-celiac athletes
A short-term gluten-free diet had no overall effect on performance, GI symptoms, well-being, and a select indicator of intestinal injury or inflammatory markers in non-celiac endurance athletes.
Cost of Nutrients Analyses Using the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey: A Focus on Grain Foods
The objective of the present study was to assess the cost of energy, nutrients, and related substances in the American diet and to define some of the most cost effective foods for providing these food components.
Consumption of Certain Grain Food Patterns is Associated With Improved Diet Quality and Nutrient Intakes in US Adults: A NHANES 2005-2010 Analysis
We identified the most commonly consumed grain food patterns in US adults and compared nutrient intakes, diet quality (via Healthy Eating Index), anthropometric and physiological parameters of those consuming various grain foods patterns to those not consuming grains.
Modeling Changes in Daily Grain Foods Intake: An Analysis to Determine the Impact on Nutrient Intakes in Comparison to the USDA Ideal Food Pattern
Dietary Guidelines for Americans (DGA) encourage increased whole grains (WG) and dietary fiber intake while limiting refined grains (RG). We identified how changes in DGA recommendations for grain intake could impact nutrient/energy intake for US adults.